1. Scope

2. Setup

2.1. Requirements

2.2. Separating ${appngData}

3. Clustering

To enable clustering you need to have

  • at least two appNG Nodes

  • a load balancer that is able to distribute requests between several nodes, for example HAProxy

  • set the platform property messagingEnabled to true

  • configure the details for the chosen message exchange

There are currently three techniques for appNG to exchange messages between nodes in a cluster:

3.1. Using Multicast

The following platform-properties need to be configured when using multicast:

  • set messagingReceiver to org.appng.core.controller.messaging.MulticastReceiver (this is the default)

  • set messagingGroupAddress to an appropriate value (default:

  • set messagingGroupPort to an appropriate value (default: 4000)

3.2. Using Hazelcast

With Hazelcast, a Reliable Topic is used to publish and subscribe cluster events.

The following platform-properties need to be configured:

  • set messagingReceiver to org.appng.core.controller.messaging.HazelCastReceiver

  • hazelcastTopicName: The name of the topic (default: appng-messaging)

3.3. Using RabbitMQ

With RabbitMQ, appNG uses a queue based publish/subscribe mechanism for cluster communication. The following platform-properties need to be configured:

  • set messagingReceiver to org.appng.core.controller.messaging.RabbitMQReceiver

  • rabbitMQAdresses: A comma separated list of <host>:<port> for RabbitMQ server(s) (default: localhost:5672):

  • rabbitMQUser: Username (default: guest)

  • rabbitMQPassword: Password (default: guest)

  • rabbitMQExchange: Name of the exchange where the receiver binds its messaging queue on.
    Be aware that this name must be different among different clusters using the same RabbitMQ server (default: appng-messaging).

  • rabbitMQAutoDeleteQueue: If the queue to create should be marked as auto-delete (default: true).

  • rabbitMQDurableQueue: If the queue to create should be marked as durable (default: false).

  • rabbitMQExclusiveQueue: If the queue to create should be marked as exclusive (default: true).

3.4. Using Redis

With Redis, cluster communication is based on a publish/subscribe mechanism that works on a messaging channel. The following platform-properties need to be configured:

  • set messagingReceiver to org.appng.core.controller.messaging.JedisReceiver

  • redisMessagingHost: Host of the Redis server (default: localhost).

  • redisMessagingPort: Port of the Redis server (default: 6379).

  • redisMessagingPassword: Password of the Redis server (no default).

  • redisMessagingTimeout: Timeout is optional. If not defined, Redis default is used (no default).

  • redisMessagingChannel: Channel where all cluster nodes should publish and subscribe.
    Be aware that this name must be different among different clusters using the same Redis server (default: appng-messaging).

4. Caching

4.1. Platform configuration

Caching is provided by Hazelcast.

A central configuration file is used to configure Hazelcast. The location of this file is specified by the platform property cacheConfig (see Platform properties).

Usually, cacheConfig points to WEB-INF/conf/hazelcast.xml, which might look as follows for multicast replication:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--suppress XmlDefaultAttributeValue -->
<hazelcast xmlns="http://www.hazelcast.com/schema/config" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

		<property name="hazelcast.logging.type">slf4j</property>
	<management-center />
		<port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">5701</port>
			<auto-detection enabled="false" />
			<multicast enabled="false">
			<tcp-ip enabled="false" />
			<aws enabled="false" />
			<gcp enabled="false" />
			<azure enabled="false" />
			<kubernetes enabled="false" />
			<eureka enabled="false" />
			<discovery-strategies />
		<interfaces enabled="false" />
		<ssl enabled="false" />
		<socket-interceptor enabled="false" />
			<icmp enabled="false" />

For further details about configuring Hazelcast, check out it’s Reference Manual.

Also check out the section about caching in the Manager User Manual.

4.2. Site configuration

There are several site-scoped properties to configure caching.

  • cacheEnabled
    Set to true to enable caching for the site.

  • cacheExceptions
    URL path prefixes which are never cached, as a multiline value. Contains one prefix per line.

  • cacheTimeouts
    The path specific cache timeouts, as a multiline value. The format is path-prefix = TTL in seconds. Contains one path-prefix per line.

    /service/appng/cached-application = 7200
    /service/thesite = 3600
  • cacheTimeoutsAntStyle
    When set to true, the path-prefixes defined in cacheTimeouts can use Ant-style path matching.

  • cacheTimeToLive
    The default TTL for a cache entry in seconds, if there’s no matching path defined in cacheTimeouts.

  • cacheStatistics
    Set to true to enable caching statistics

  • cacheWatchRepository
    Set to true to watch the repository folder for changes and invalidate cache elements, if necessary.

  • cacheWatcherRuleSourceSuffix
    The suffix to be removed from a <from>-rule element when parsing the rules from urlrewrite.xml for the repository watchers. See also the Beautifying URLs section from the developer’s guide,

  • cacheClearOnShutdown
    Set to true to clear the cache on a site shutdown/reload.

5. User Management

AppNG offers extensive possibilities for user administration.

5.1. User Types

In general a distinction is made between local users, single LDAP users and LDAP groups.

For local users, you have full control over all the user’s details, like if he may or must (not) change his password.

With setting the platform properties

  • forceChangePassword to true

  • passwordMaxValidity to a value greater zero (unit: days)

a local user can be forced to change his password after a certain time.

By setting the platform property inactiveLockPeriod to a value greater zero (unit: days), users can be locked automatically due to inactivity.

5.2. LDAP Connectivity

It’s possible to configure LDAP connectivity on a site level.

For details, check out the appNG Manager User Guide.

5.3. Password Policies

Using the multiline platform property configurablePasswordPolicy, it is possible to exactly define how a valid password must be built upon.

These are available settings to do so:

  • minLowerCase (default: 1)
    The minimum number of lowercase letters (a-z).

  • minUppercase (default: 1)
    The minimum number of uppercase letters (A-Z).

  • minDigits (default: 1)
    The minimum number of digits (0-9).

  • minSpecialChars (default: 1)
    The minimum number of special characters (see allowedSpecialChars).

  • allowedSpecialChars (default: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<⇒?@[\]^_`{|}~`)
    The allowed special characters,

  • minLength (default: 8)
    The minimum length of the password.

  • maxLength (default: 255)
    The maximum length of the password.

  • useHistory (default: true)
    When changing the password, make sure it differs from the current one.

  • useUsername (default: true)
    Make sure the password does not contain the username, also in reverse order and ignoring case.

  • numCharacterGroups (default: 4)
    The minimum number of different character groups that must be used for a password.

  • allowOtherCharacters (default: false)
    Whether or not to allow other characters than letters, digits and the defined special characters.

  • allowWhiteSpace (default: false)
    Whether or not to allow whitespaces.

  • generateLength (default: 8)
    The length of a generated password.

  • generateLowerCase (default: 3)
    The number of lowercase letters (a-z) for a generated password.

  • generateUppercase (default: 3)
    The number of uppercase letters (A-Z) for a generated password.

  • generateDigits (default: 1)
    The number of digits (0-9) for a generated password.

  • generateSpecialChars (default: 1)
    The number of special characters for a generated password.

Consequently, the implicit default configuration looks as follows:

minLowerCase = 1
minUppercase = 1
minDigits = 1
minSpecialChars = 1
allowedSpecialChars = !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
minLength = 8
maxLength = 255
useHistory = true
useUsername = true
numCharacterGroups = 4
allowOtherCharacters = false
allowWhiteSpace = false
generateLength = 8
generateLowerCase = 3
generateUppercase = 3
generateDigits = 1
generateSpecialChars = 1

6. Command Line Interface (CLI)

7. appNGizer

A REST-style API for configuring the platform is provided by appNGizer.

Check out the following resources:

8. Monitoring

The appNG platform offers some built-in monitoring services to check the state of a site and to give some information about the system appNG is running on.

8.1. Configuration

The path to health monitoring can be configured with the platform property monitoringPath, using the default value /health.

The monitoring path is secured with basic authentication.

The user name is monitoring. The password can be defined using the platform property monitoringPassword. If not defined, the platform’s sharedSecret is used.

8.2. Services

Monitoring offers different services, as listed here. All of them use application/json as a content-type, making it easy for load balancers like nginx or HAProxy to make use of them.

8.2.1. Site health

Shows the current site, including it’s state (one of: STARTED, STARTING, STOPPING, STOPPED, INACTIVE), applications and properties.

Path: /health

Example Response:

  "name" : "manager",
  "state" : "STARTED",
  "host" : "localhost",
  "domain" : "http://localhost:8080",
  "startupTime" : "2019-12-10T10:46:52.792+01:00",
  "uptimeSeconds" : 2132133465,
  "applications" : {
    "appng-scheduler" : {
      "version" : "1.12.0",
      "description" : "Scheduling using Quartz Scheduler",
      "hidden" : false,
      "privileged" : true,
      "filebased" : true,
      "jars" : [ {
        "name" : "/home/appng/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/cache/platform/manager/appng-scheduler/lib/appng-scheduler-1.12.0.jar",
        "lastModified" : "2019-12-10T10:46:36+01:00"
      } ]
    "appng-manager" : {
      "version" : "1.16.0",
      "description" : "Global appNG administration",
      "hidden" : false,
      "privileged" : true,
      "filebased" : true,
      "jars" : [ {
        "name" : "/home/appng/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/cache/platform/manager/appng-manager/lib/appng-manager-1.17.0-SNAPSHOT.jar",
        "lastModified" : "2019-12-10T10:46:38+01:00"
      } ]
    "appng-authentication" : {
      "version" : "1.12.0",
      "description" : "Authentication Application",
      "hidden" : true,
      "privileged" : true,
      "filebased" : true,
      "jars" : [ {
        "name" : "/home/appng/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/cache/platform/manager/appng-authentication/lib/appng-authentication-1.12.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",
        "lastModified" : "2019-12-10T10:46:36+01:00"
      } ]
  "props" : {

8.2.2. Platform JARs

Shows a list of all Jars offered by the platform.

Path: /health/platform

8.2.3. Site JARs

Shows a list of all Jars that the site’s classloader is built from.

Path: /health/jars

8.2.4. System environment

Shows the system’s environment as returned by System.getenv().

Path: /health/environment

8.3. System properties

Shows the system’s properties as returned by System.getProperties().

Path: /health/system