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Took 5.3 sec.

Standard Output

2021-12-14 13:57:30,850 WARN  [Time-limited test] org.appng.core.service.HazelcastConfigurer: No Hazelcast configuration could be found, using default!
2021-12-14 13:57:30,917 INFO  [Time-limited test] com.hazelcast.system.logo     : []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] 
	+       +  o    o     o     o---o o----o o      o---o     o     o----o o--o--o
	+ +   + +  |    |    / \       /  |      |     /         / \    |         |   
	+ + + + +  o----o   o   o     o   o----o |    o         o   o   o----o
...[truncated 245757 chars]...
ache elements for /de/foo1399.txt (cache size: 0)
2021-12-14 13:57:36,042 INFO  [pageCache-localhost] org.appng.core.service.CacheService: removed 0 cache elements for /de/foo1413.txt (cache size: 0)
2021-12-14 13:57:36,041 INFO  [pageCache-localhost] org.appng.core.service.CacheService: removed 0 cache elements for /de/foo8407.txt (cache size: 0)
2021-12-14 13:57:36,041 INFO  [pageCache-localhost] org.appng.core.service.CacheService: removed 0 cache elements for /de/foo1413.txt (cache size: 0)

Standard Error

Dec 14, 2021 1:57:30 PM com.hazelcast.internal.config.AbstractConfigLocator
INFO: Loading 'hazelcast.xml' from the classpath.