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Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed#60 )
Took 2 sec.

Error Message

  "hazelcastRunn...> but was:<...node=[]:570[2]}",


  "hazelcastRunn...> but was:<...node=[]:570[2]}",
	at org.appng.core.controller.handler.MonitoringHandlerTest.test(

Standard Output

2022-01-05 10:19:05,226 WARN  [main] org.appng.core.service.HazelcastConfigurer: No Hazelcast configuration could be found, using default!
2022-01-05 10:19:05,268 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.system.logo     : []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] 
	+       +  o    o     o     o---o o----o o      o---o     o     o----o o--o--o
	+ +   + +  |    |    / \       /  |      |     /         / \    |         |   
	+ + + + +  o----o   o   o     o   o----o |    o         o   o   o----o    |   
	+ +   + +  |    |  /     \   /    |      |     \       /     \       |    |   
	+       +  o    o o       o o---o o----o o----o o---o o       o o----o    o   
2022-01-05 10:19:05,268 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.system          : []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2022-01-05 10:19:05,268 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.system          : []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] Hazelcast Platform 5.0 (20210922 - dbaeffe) starting at []:5702
2022-01-05 10:19:05,268 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.system          : []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] Cluster name: appNG
2022-01-05 10:19:05,268 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.system          : []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] The Jet engine is disabled.
To enable the Jet engine on the members, please do one of the following:
  - Change member config using Java API: config.getJetConfig().setEnabled(true);
  - Change XML/YAML configuration property: Set hazelcast.jet.enabled to true
  - Add system property: -Dhz.jet.enabled=true
  - Add environment variable: HZ_JET_ENABLED=true
2022-01-05 10:19:05,291 INFO  [main] : []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] Enable DEBUG/FINE log level for log category  or use system property to see 🔒 security recommendations and the status of current config.
2022-01-05 10:19:05,292 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.instance.impl.Node: []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] Using Multicast discovery
2022-01-05 10:19:05,292 WARN  [main] com.hazelcast.cp.CPSubsystem  : []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] CP Subsystem is not enabled. CP data structures will operate in UNSAFE mode! Please note that UNSAFE mode will not provide strong consistency guarantees.
2022-01-05 10:19:05,323 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.internal.diagnostics.Diagnostics: []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] Diagnostics disabled. To enable add -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true to the JVM arguments.
2022-01-05 10:19:05,323 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService: []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] []:5702 is STARTING
2022-01-05 10:19:07,237 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.internal.cluster.ClusterService: []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] 

Members {size:1, ver:1} [
	Member []:5702 - e85e7f6a-e841-413a-8ac9-af46e3ca3235 this

2022-01-05 10:19:07,237 WARN  [main] com.hazelcast.instance.impl.Node: []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] Config seed port is 5701 and cluster size is 1. Some of the ports seem occupied!
2022-01-05 10:19:07,243 INFO  [main] com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService: []:5702 [appNG] [5.0] []:5702 is STARTED
2022-01-05 10:19:07,244 INFO  [main] org.appng.core.service.HazelcastConfigurer: Created default instance HazelcastInstance{name='test', node=[]:5702}

Standard Error

Jan 05, 2022 10:19:05 AM com.hazelcast.internal.config.AbstractConfigLocator
INFO: Loading 'hazelcast.xml' from the classpath.