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Took 0.39 sec.

Standard Output

2022-01-13 12:50:26,014 INFO  [main] org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [cliContext-test.xml]
2022-01-13 12:50:26,098 INFO  [main] Refreshing appNG platform context: startup date [Thu Jan 13 12:50:26 CET 2022]; root of context hierarchy
2022-01-13 12:50:26,106 INFO  [main] org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
...[truncated 2244 chars]...
: SUCCESS, installed on 2022-01-13 12:50:26.868
2022-01-13 12:50:26,901 INFO  [main] org.appng.core.service.MigrationService: connected to jdbc:hsqldb:mem://CliCoreTest (HSQL Database Engine 2.5.0)
2022-01-13 12:50:26,915 INFO  [main] org.appng.core.service.MigrationService: connected to jdbc:hsqldb:mem://CliCoreTest (HSQL Database Engine 2.5.0)
2022-01-13 12:50:26,927 INFO  [main] org.appng.cli.CliCore         : Database is at version 4.2.1, state: SUCCESS, installed on 2022-01-13 12:50:26.868