Source code for appngizer.utils.xmljson

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
    from lxml.etree import Element
except ImportError:
    from xml.etree.cElementTree import Element

__author__ = 'S Anand'
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '0.1.9'

# Python 3: define unicode() as str()
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    unicode = str
    basestring = str

[docs]class XMLData(object): def __init__(self, xml_fromstring=True, xml_tostring=True, element=None, dict_type=None, list_type=None, attr_prefix=None, text_content=None, simple_text=False): # xml_fromstring == False(y) => '1' -> '1' # xml_fromstring == True => '1' -> 1 # xml_fromstring == fn => '1' -> fn(1) if callable(xml_fromstring): self._fromstring = xml_fromstring elif not xml_fromstring: self._fromstring = lambda v: v # custom conversion function to convert data string to XML string if callable(xml_tostring): self._tostring = xml_tostring # custom etree.Element to use self.element = Element if element is None else element # dict constructor (e.g. OrderedDict, defaultdict) self.dict = OrderedDict if dict_type is None else dict_type # list constructor (e.g. UserList) self.list = list if list_type is None else list_type # Prefix attributes with a string (e.g. '$') self.attr_prefix = attr_prefix # Key that stores text content (e.g. '$t') self.text_content = text_content # simple_text == False or None or 0 => '<x>a</x>' = {'x': {'a': {}}} # simple_text == True => '<x>a</x>' = {'x': 'a'} self.simple_text = simple_text @staticmethod def _tostring(value): '''Convert value to XML compatible string''' if value is True: value = 'true' elif value is False: value = 'false' return unicode(value) # noqa: convert to whatever native unicode repr @staticmethod def _fromstring(value): '''Convert XML string value to None, boolean, int or float''' if not value: return None std_value = value.strip().lower() if std_value == 'true': return True elif std_value == 'false': return False try: return int(std_value) except ValueError: pass try: return float(std_value) except ValueError: pass return value
[docs] def etree(self, data, root=None): '''Convert data structure into a list of etree.Element''' result = self.list() if root is None else root if isinstance(data, (self.dict, dict)): for key, value in data.items(): value_is_list = isinstance(value, (self.list, list)) value_is_dict = isinstance(value, (self.dict, dict)) # Add attributes and text to result (if root) if root is not None: # Handle attribute prefixes (BadgerFish) if self.attr_prefix is not None: if key.startswith(self.attr_prefix): key = key.lstrip(self.attr_prefix) # @xmlns: {$: xxx, svg: yyy} becomes xmlns="xxx" xmlns:svg="yyy" if value_is_dict: raise ValueError('XML namespaces not yet supported') else: result.set(key, self._tostring(value)) continue # Handle text content (BadgerFish, GData) if self.text_content is not None: if key == self.text_content: result.text = self._tostring(value) continue # Treat scalars as text content, not children (GData) if self.attr_prefix is None and self.text_content is not None: if not value_is_dict and not value_is_list: result.set(key, self._tostring(value)) continue # Add other keys as one or more children values = value if value_is_list else [value] for value in values: elem = self.element(key) result.append(elem) # Treat scalars as text content, not children (Parker) if not isinstance(value, (self.dict, dict, self.list, list)): if self.text_content: value = {self.text_content: value} self.etree(value, root=elem) else: if self.text_content is None and root is not None: root.text = self._tostring(data) else: result.append(self.element(self._tostring(data))) return result
[docs] def data(self, root): '''Convert etree.Element into a dictionary''' value = self.dict() children = [node for node in root if isinstance(node.tag, basestring)] for attr, attrval in root.attrib.items(): attr = attr if self.attr_prefix is None else self.attr_prefix + attr value[attr] = self._fromstring(attrval) if root.text and self.text_content is not None: text = root.text.strip() if text: if self.simple_text and len(children) == len(root.attrib) == 0: value = self._fromstring(text) else: value[self.text_content] = self._fromstring(text) count = Counter(child.tag for child in children) for child in children: if count[child.tag] == 1: value.update( else: result = value.setdefault(child.tag, self.list()) result += return self.dict([(root.tag, value)])
[docs]class BadgerFish(XMLData): '''Converts between XML and data using the BadgerFish convention''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BadgerFish, self).__init__(attr_prefix='@', text_content='$', **kwargs)
[docs]class GData(XMLData): '''Converts between XML and data using the GData convention''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GData, self).__init__(text_content='$t', **kwargs)
[docs]class Yahoo(XMLData): '''Converts between XML and data using the Yahoo convention''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('xml_fromstring', False) super(Yahoo, self).__init__(text_content='content', simple_text=True, **kwargs)
[docs]class Parker(XMLData): '''Converts between XML and data using the Parker convention''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Parker, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def data(self, root, preserve_root=False): 'Convert etree.Element into a dictionary' # If preserve_root is False, return the root element. This is easiest # done by wrapping the XML in a dummy root element that will be ignored. if preserve_root: new_root = root.makeelement('dummy_root', {}) new_root.insert(0, root) root = new_root # If no children, just return the text children = [node for node in root if isinstance(node.tag, basestring)] if len(children) == 0: return self._fromstring(root.text) # Element names become object properties count = Counter(child.tag for child in children) result = self.dict() for child in children: if count[child.tag] == 1: result[child.tag] = else: result.setdefault(child.tag, self.list()).append( return result
[docs]class Abdera(XMLData): '''Converts between XML and data using the Abdera convention''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Abdera, self).__init__(simple_text=True, text_content=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def data(self, root): '''Convert etree.Element into a dictionary''' value = self.dict() # Add attributes specific 'attributes' key if root.attrib: value[u'attributes'] = self.dict() for attr, attrval in root.attrib.items(): value[u'attributes'][unicode(attr)] = self._fromstring(attrval) # Add children to specific 'children' key children_list = self.list() children = [node for node in root if isinstance(node.tag, basestring)] # Add root text if root.text and self.text_content is not None: text = root.text.strip() if text: if self.simple_text and len(children) == len(root.attrib) == 0: value = self._fromstring(text) else: children_list = [self._fromstring(text), ] for child in children: child_data = children_list.append(child_data) # Flatten children if len(root.attrib) == 0 and len(children_list) == 1: value = children_list[0] elif len(children_list) > 0: value[u'children'] = children_list return self.dict([(unicode(root.tag), value)])
# The difference between Cobra and Abdera is that Cobra _always_ has 'attributes' keys, # 'children' key is remove when only one child and everything is a string. #
[docs]class Cobra(XMLData): '''Converts between XML and data using the Cobra convention''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Cobra, self).__init__(simple_text=True, text_content=True, xml_fromstring=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def data(self, root): '''Convert etree.Element into a dictionary''' value = self.dict() # Add attributes to 'attributes' key (sorted!) even when empty value[u'attributes'] = self.dict() if root.attrib: for attr in sorted(root.attrib): value[u'attributes'][unicode(attr)] = root.attrib[attr] # Add children to specific 'children' key children_list = self.list() children = [node for node in root if isinstance(node.tag, basestring)] # Add root text if root.text and self.text_content is not None: text = root.text.strip() if text: if self.simple_text and len(children) == len(root.attrib) == 0: value = self._fromstring(text) else: children_list = [self._fromstring(text), ] count = Counter(child.tag for child in children) for child in children: child_data = if (count[child.tag] == 1 and len(children_list) > 1 and isinstance(children_list[-1], dict)): # Merge keys to existing dictionary children_list[-1].update(child_data) else: # Add additional text children_list.append( if len(children_list) > 0: value[u'children'] = children_list return self.dict([(unicode(root.tag), value)])
abdera = Abdera() badgerfish = BadgerFish() cobra = Cobra() gdata = GData() parker = Parker() yahoo = Yahoo()