Source code for appngizer.elements

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    This module contains all appNG entities which currently can managed
    via an appNGizer instance.
import sys
import os
import logging
import bcrypt
import hashlib
import re

from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict
from requests import Response
from requests.api import request
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

from lxml import etree
from lxml import objectify
from lxml.objectify import ObjectifiedElement, BoolElement

import appngizer.errors
from appngizer.client import XMLClient

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: Examine why we still get BooleanValues instead of str.lower() when setting field value
# TODO: Rework Grant/s Element

[docs]class XMLElement(object): ''' Abstract class for an XML appNG entity ''' # : Dictionary of XML namespaces XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = {'a': ''} # : Default namespace prefix as string NS_PREFIX = '{'+XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE['a']+'}' # : Path to appNGizer XSD schema file as string XSD_APPNGIZER_PATH = (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.modules[__name__].__file__))) + '/appngizer.xsd' # : Entity element name TYPE = 'Element' # : Entities element name TYPE_C = 'Elements' # : OrderedDict of entity fields which should be processed and initialised FIELDS = OrderedDict() # List of FIELDS where value should be preserved if not given in PRESERVED_FIELDS = [] # List of FIELDS where value should be threatened as CDATA CDATA_FIELDS = [] # : OrderedDict of entity element attributes which should be processed and initialised ATTRIBUTES = OrderedDict() # : OrderedDict of entity child elements which should be processed and initialised CHILDS = OrderedDict() # : OrderedDict of entity sub elements which should be processed but not initialised SUBELEMENTS = OrderedDict() def __str__(self): '''Returns XML string representation of the object :return: str ''' return self.dump() def _get_xml_template(self): '''Returns objectify.ObjectElement generated from class constants: self.FIELDS are entity fields as SubElements self.ATTRIBUTES are entity attributes as ObjectElement Attributes self.CHILDS are child entities as SubElements :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' Element = objectify.ElementMaker(annotate=False, namespace=self.XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE['a']) xml_template = Element(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) # SubElements for field in self.FIELDS.keys(): ns_field = '{'+self.XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE['a']+'}'+field objectify.SubElement(xml_template, ns_field, namespace=self.XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE['a']) xml_template[field] = self.FIELDS[field] # ObjectElement Attributes for attribute in self.ATTRIBUTES.keys(): attribute_value = self.ATTRIBUTES.get(attribute, None) if type(attribute_value) == bool: attribute_value = str(attribute_value).lower() xml_template.set( attribute, attribute_value ) # If attribute also exists as class attribute we use value of it if hasattr(self, attribute): xml_template.set(attribute, self.__getattribute__(attribute)) # SubElements for child in self.CHILDS.keys(): ns_field = '{'+self.XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE['a']+'}'+child objectify.SubElement(xml_template, ns_field, namespace=self.XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE['a']) xml_template[child] = self.CHILDS[child] return xml_template def _set_xml(self, source): '''Set self.xml by a given source :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement source(1): As ObjectifiedElement :param Requests.response source(2): As Response object :param dict source(3): As dictionary :param lxml.objectify.BoolElement source(4): As BoolElement :return: self ''' if type(source) == BoolElement: self.xml = source if type(source) == ObjectifiedElement: self._set_xml_from_xml_obj(source) if type(source) == Response: xml_obj = objectify.fromstring(source.content) self._set_xml_from_xml_obj(xml_obj) if type(source) == dict: self._set_xml_from_dict(source) return self def _set_xml_from_dict(self, xdict): '''Process dictionary and call particular methods to set self.xml The dictionary should contains a flat key:value structure. Which kind of XML component an dictionary item address is controlled by the corresponding key in following class constants: self.FIELDS are entity fields as SubElements self.ATTRIBUTES are entity attributes as ObjectElement attributes self.CHILDS are child entities as SubElements self.SUBELEMENTS are child entities as SubElements directly under the root element :param dict xdict: Dictionary of XML components to set :return: None ''' # Process fields for field in self.FIELDS.iterkeys(): if field in xdict: self._set_xml_field(field, xdict[field]) # Process attributes for attribute in self.ATTRIBUTES.iterkeys(): if attribute in xdict: self._set_xml_attribute(attribute, xdict[attribute]) # Process childs for child in self.CHILDS.iterkeys(): if child in xdict: self._set_xml_child(child, xdict[child]) # Process elements for subelement in self.SUBELEMENTS: if subelement in xdict: self._set_xml_subelement(subelement, xdict[subelement]) def _set_xml_from_xml_obj(self, xml_obj): '''Process :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` and call particular methods to set self.xml The ObjectifiedElement is processed directly but still against checking against following constants: self.FIELDS are entity fields as SubElements self.ATTRIBUTES are entity attributes as ObjectElement attributes self.CHILDS are child entities as SubElements self.SUBELEMENTS are child entities as SubElements directly under the root element As we deal here with an :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` the xml structure can be of any form and just have to validate against the xsd schema. :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement xml_obj: Element of the entity :return: None ''' # Process fields for field in self.FIELDS.iterkeys(): if hasattr(xml_obj, field): self._set_xml_field(field, xml_obj[field]) # Process attributes for attribute in self.ATTRIBUTES.iterkeys(): if attribute in xml_obj.attrib: self._set_xml_attribute(attribute, xml_obj.attrib[attribute]) # Process childs for child in self.CHILDS.iterkeys(): if hasattr(xml_obj, child): self._set_xml_child(child, list(xml_obj[child])) # Process subelements for subelement in self.SUBELEMENTS: if hasattr(xml_obj, subelement): self._set_xml_subelement(subelement, list(xml_obj[subelement])) def _set_xml_field(self, field, value): '''Set self.xml field element The field element is a direct child of the root element and is identified by his field name. An already existing value can be preserved when given in self.PRESERVED_FIELDS. :param str field: Name of field :param * value: Value of field as any lxml.objectify element type :return: None ''' # If field in PRESERVED_FIELDS an empty value will be not applied if value == None or value == '' or value == 'None': if field not in self.PRESERVED_FIELDS: value = '' self.xml.__setattr__(field, value) else: # If field in CDATA_FIELDS value is threatened as CDATA if field in self.CDATA_FIELDS: cdata_value = etree.CDATA(value) self.xml.__setattr__(field, cdata_value) else: self.xml.__setattr__(field, value) def _set_xml_attribute(self, attribute, value): '''Set self.xml element attributes The xml attributes are attributes of the root element. :param str field: Name of attribute :param str value: Value of attribute :return: None ''' self.xml.set(attribute, value) def _set_xml_child(self, child, childs): '''Set self.xml field with child elements The type of a child item in childs must be a :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`. :param str child: Name of child container xml element :param list childs: list of child elements from type :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` :return: None ''' if len(childs) > 0: child_tag = childs[0].tag # handle the case we got an child element container instead of elements themself if child_tag == self.NS_PREFIX+child: container_childs = childs[0].getchildren() if len(container_childs) > 0: child_tag = container_childs[0].tag self.xml[child].__setattr__(child_tag,container_childs) else: self.xml.__delattr__(child) self.xml.__setattr__(child, None) else: self.xml[child].__setattr__(child_tag,childs) else: self.xml.__delattr__(child) self.xml.__setattr__(child, None) def _set_xml_subelement(self, subelement, subelements): '''Set self.xml subelements :param str subelement: Name of subelement xml element :param list subelements: List of subelements from type :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` :return: None ''' self.xml.__setattr__(subelement, subelements)
[docs] def get_xml_str(self, xml_obj=None): '''Copy, deannotate and return as a :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` as string :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement xml_obj: Element to return as string :return: string ''' if xml_obj is None: xml_obj = self.xml xml_deannot = deepcopy(xml_obj) objectify.deannotate(xml_deannot, pytype=True, xsi=True, xsi_nil=True, cleanup_namespaces=True) return etree.tostring(xml_deannot)
[docs] def convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element(self, xml_obj=None): '''Convert :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` to :class:`lxml.etree.Element` :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement xml_obj: Element to convert :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' if xml_obj is None: xml_obj = self.xml return etree.fromstring( self.get_xml_str(xml_obj) )
[docs] def convert_xml_element_to_xml_obj(self, xml=None): '''Convert :class:`lxml.etree.Element` to :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` :param lxml.etree.Element xml: Element to convert :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' if xml is None: xml = self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element(self.xml) return objectify.fromstring(etree.tostring(xml))
[docs] def strip_ns_prefix(self, xml): '''Strip namespaces from :class:`lxml.etree.Element` and return it :param lxml.etree.Element xml: Element to strip :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' query = "descendant-or-self::*[namespace-uri()!='']" elements = xml.xpath(query) if elements is not None: for element in xml.xpath(query): element.tag = etree.QName(element).localname etree.cleanup_namespaces(xml) return xml
[docs] def dump(self, xml=None): '''Pretty print an :class:`lxml.etree.Element` or :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` as string :param lxml.etree.Element xml(1): Element to pretty print :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement xml(2): Element to pretty print :return: string ''' if xml is None: xml = self.xml copy = deepcopy(xml) if type(copy) == ObjectifiedElement: copy = self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element(copy) copy = self.strip_ns_prefix(copy) return etree.tostring(copy, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)
[docs] def is_valide_xml(self, xml=None): '''Validate :class:`lxml.etree.Element` against the appNGizer xsd schema :param lxml.etree.Element xml: Element to be validated, if not self.xml is used :return: bool (True if valide) ''' doc = file(self.XSD_APPNGIZER_PATH, 'r') xsd_schema_doc = etree.parse(doc) xsd_schema = etree.XMLSchema(xsd_schema_doc) if xml is None: xml = self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element() try: xsd_schema.assertValid(xml) is_valide_xml = True except etree.DocumentInvalid as e: logging.warn(e) is_valide_xml = False except: raise return is_valide_xml
[docs]class Element(XMLElement): ''' Abstract class of an appNG entity ''' def __init__(self, name='', parents=[]): ''' :param str name: Name of entity :param list parents: List of :class:`Element` objects which are parents of the entity ''' = name self.parents = parents self.url = self.get_url_dict() self.xml = self._get_xml_template() self.loaded = False self.modified = False
[docs] def get_url_dict(self): '''Return dictionary with url path components of the entity url['self'] url path to entity url['ancestor'] url path to entity type url['parents'] url path of parent entities :return: dict ''' return self._get_url_dict()
def _get_url_dict(self): url = {'self': '', 'ancestor': '', 'parents': '', 'type': self.TYPE.lower()} # url['parents'] if hasattr(self, 'parents'): for parent in self.parents: url['parents'] = ''.join([ url['parents'], parent.url['self'] ]) # url['ancestor'] url['ancestor'] = '/'.join([url['parents'], url['type']]) # url['self'] if == None: url['self'] = url['ancestor'] else: url['self'] = '/'.join([url['ancestor'],]) return url
[docs] def load(self): '''Load entity via GET and set self.xml from requests.Response.content :return: None ''' if len(self.parents) > 0: parent_types = ' '.join( [p.TYPE for p in self.parents] ) log.debug("Load {} {}({})".format(parent_types, self.__class__.__name__, else: log.debug("Load {}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._load()
def _load(self): request = XMLClient().request('GET', self.url['self']) self._set_xml(request.response) self.loaded = True self.modified = False
[docs] def load_if_needed(self): '''Load entity only if it's not already loaded and not modified by any methods :return: None ''' self._load_if_needed()
def _load_if_needed(self): if self.loaded: if self.modified: self.load() else: self.load() def _create(self, xdict): '''Create entity from a given dict :param dict xdict: Dictionary of fields and attributes to be set for the new entity :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' if len(self.parents) > 0: parent_types = ' '.join( [p.TYPE for p in self.parents] ) log.debug("Create {} {}({})".format(parent_types, self.__class__.__name__, else: log.debug("Create {}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._set_xml(xdict) if self.is_valide_xml(): request = XMLClient().request('POST', self.url['ancestor'], self.get_xml_str()) self._set_xml(request.response) self.modified = True return self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element() else: raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Current XML for {0}({1}) does not validate: {2}".format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.dump()))
[docs] def read(self): '''Read entity and return as lxml.etree.Element :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' log.debug("Read {}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.load_if_needed() return self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element()
def _update(self, xdict): '''Update entity from a given dict :param dict xdict: Dictionary of fields and attributes to be set for the updated entity :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' if len(self.parents) > 0: parent_types = ' '.join( [p.TYPE for p in self.parents] ) log.debug("Update {} {}({})".format(parent_types, self.__class__.__name__, else: log.debug("Update {}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.load_if_needed() self._set_xml(xdict) if self.is_valide_xml( self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element() ): request = XMLClient().request('PUT', self.url['self'], self.get_xml_str()) self._set_xml(request.response) return self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element() else: raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Current XML for {}({}) does not validate: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.dump()))
[docs] def delete(self): '''Delete entity :return: bool (True if successfully) ''' if len(self.parents) > 0: parent_types = ' '.join( [p.TYPE for p in self.parents] ) log.debug("Delete {} {}({})".format(parent_types, self.__class__.__name__, else: log.debug("Delete {}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, return self._delete()
def _delete(self): if self.exist(): XMLClient().request('DELETE', self.url['self']) self.modified = False return True else: raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Element does not exist")
[docs] def exist(self): '''Check if entity already exist :return: bool (True if exist) ''' return self._exist()
def _exist(self): try: self.load() return True except: return False def _is_update_needed(self, xdict): '''Check if update of entity is needed :param dict xdict: Dictionary of fields and attributes to be set for the updated entity :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' self.load_if_needed() result = False new_obj = deepcopy(self) new_obj._set_xml(xdict) for field in self.FIELDS.iterkeys(): if self.xml[field].text != new_obj.xml[field].text: result = True if len(self.parents) > 0: parent_types = ' '.join( [p.TYPE for p in self.parents] ) log.debug("Update needed for {} {}({}) is {}".format(parent_types, self.__class__.__name__,, str(result))) else: log.debug("Update needed for {}({}) is {}".format(self.__class__.__name__,, str(result))) return result, self.xml, new_obj.xml
[docs]class Site(Element): ''' Class to manage a site ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['host'] = '' FIELDS['domain'] = '' FIELDS['description'] = '' FIELDS['active'] = True FIELDS['createRepositoryPath'] = False ATTRIBUTES = OrderedDict() ATTRIBUTES['name'] = '' PRESERVED_FIELDS = ['description','domain'] TYPE = 'Site' TYPE_C = 'Sites'
[docs] def create(self, **xdict): '''Create site :param str xdict['host']*: Hostname of site :param str xdict['domain']*: Main URI of site :param str xdict['description']: Short description of site :param bool xdict['active']: Activate site :param bool xdict['createRepositoryPath']: Create site repository directory :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._create(xdict)
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update site :param str xdict['host']: Hostname of site :param str xdict['domain']: Main URI of site :param str xdict['description']: Short description of site :param bool xdict['active']: Activate site :param bool xdict['createRepositoryPath']: Create site repository directory :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of site is needed :param str xdict['host']: Hostname of site :param str xdict['domain']: Main URI of site :param str xdict['description']: Short description of site :param bool xdict['active']: Activate site :param bool xdict['createRepositoryPath']: Create site repository directory :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' return self._is_update_needed(xdict)
[docs] def reload(self): '''Reload site :return: bool (True if reloaded) ''' if XMLClient().request('PUT', self.url['self'] + '/reload'): return True else: return False
[docs]class Repository(Element): ''' Class to manage a repository ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['description'] = '' FIELDS['remoteName'] = None FIELDS['uri'] = None FIELDS['enabled'] = True FIELDS['strict'] = False FIELDS['published'] = False FIELDS['mode'] = 'ALL' FIELDS['type'] = 'LOCAL' FIELDS['packages'] = None ATTRIBUTES = {'name': ''} PRESERVED_FIELDS = ['description'] TYPE = 'Repository' TYPE_C = 'Repositories'
[docs] def create(self, **xdict): '''Create repository :param str xdict['description']: Short description of repository :param str xdict['remoteName']: Remote name of a remote repository :param str xdict['uri']*: URI to repository :param bool xdict['enabled']: Enable repository :param bool xdict['strict']: Use strict mode for repository :param bool xdict['published']: Publish this repository as remote repository :param str xdict['mode']: Type of packages to serve (ALL|STABLE|SNAPSHOT) :param str xdict['type']: Type of repository (LOCAL|REMOTE) :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._create(xdict)
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update repository :param str xdict['description']: Short description of repository :param str xdict['remoteName']: Remote name of a remote repository :param str xdict['uri']: URI to repository :param bool xdict['enabled']: Enable repository :param bool xdict['strict']: Use strict mode for repository :param bool xdict['published']: Publish this repository as remote repository :param str xdict['mode']: Type of packages to serve (ALL|STABLE|SNAPSHOT) :param str xdict['type']: Type of repository (LOCAL|REMOTE) :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of repository is needed :param str xdict['description']: Short description of repository :param str xdict['remoteName']: Remote name of a remote repository :param str xdict['uri']: URI to repository :param bool xdict['enabled']: Enable repository :param bool xdict['strict']: Use strict mode for repository :param bool xdict['published']: Publish this repository as remote repository :param str xdict['mode']: Type of packages to serve (ALL|STABLE|SNAPSHOT) :param str xdict['type']: Type of repository (LOCAL|REMOTE) :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' return self._is_update_needed(xdict)
[docs] def has_pkg(self, **xdict): '''Check if repository have a package :param str xdict['name']*: name of package :return: bool (True if has package) ''' pkg_name = xdict['name'] has_pkg = False try: pkg_url = '/'.join([ self.url['self'],pkg_name ]) request = XMLClient().request('GET', pkg_url) has_pkg = True except: has_pkg = False log.debug("Package({}) in Repository({}) available is {}".format(pkg_name,, str(has_pkg))) return has_pkg
[docs] def list_pkg(self, **xdict): '''Get a list of all variants of a package in the repository :param str xdict['name']*: name of package :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' pkg_name = xdict['name'] log.debug("Read Package({})".format(pkg_name)) pkg_url = '/'.join([ self.url['self'],pkg_name ]) try: request = XMLClient().request('GET', pkg_url) # APPNG-2071 we should catch only if HTTP 404 except: return None return objectify.fromstring(request.response.content)
[docs] def list_pkgs(self): '''Get a list of all packages in the repository :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' self.load_if_needed() return self.xml.packages
[docs]class Property(Element): ''' Class to manage a property ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['value'] = '' FIELDS['defaultValue'] = '' FIELDS['description'] = '' ATTRIBUTES = {'name': '', 'clob': False} PRESERVED_FIELDS = ['description', 'defaultValue'] TYPE = 'Property' TYPE_C = 'Properties'
[docs] def create(self, **xdict): '''Create property :param str xdict['value']: Value of property :param str xdict['defaultValue']: Default value of property :param str xdict['description']: Short description of property :param bool xdict['clob']: Threat value as clob :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' if xdict.get('clob', False): self.CDATA_FIELDS = ['value', 'defaultValue'] return self._create(xdict)
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update property :param str xdict['value']: Value of property :param str xdict['defaultValue']: Default value of property :param str xdict['description']: Short description of property :param bool xdict['clob']: Threat value as clob :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' if xdict.get('clob', False): self.CDATA_FIELDS = ['value', 'defaultValue'] return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of property is needed :param str xdict['value']: Value of property :param str xdict['defaultValue']: Default value of property :param str xdict['description']: Short description of property :param bool xdict['clob']: Threat value as clob :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' if xdict.get('clob', False): self.CDATA_FIELDS = ['value', 'defaultValue'] return self._is_update_needed(xdict)
[docs]class Application(Element): ''' Class to manage an application ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['displayName'] = '' FIELDS['privileged'] = False FIELDS['fileBased'] = False FIELDS['hidden'] = False FIELDS['version'] = '' ATTRIBUTES = {'name': ''} TYPE = 'Application' TYPE_C = 'Applications'
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update application settings :param str xdict['displayName']: Name of application to display :param bool xdict['privileged']: Give privileged rights for application :param bool xdict['fileBased']: Store application in filesystem instead of database :param bool xdict['hidden']: Hide application in manager backend :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of application settings is needed :param str xdict['displayName']: Name of application to display :param bool xdict['privileged']: Give privileged rights for application :param bool xdict['fileBased']: Store application in filesystem instead of database :param bool xdict['hidden']: Hide application in backend :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' return self._is_update_needed(xdict)
[docs] def delete(self): '''Deletes an application With additional check if application is assigned to any site before try to delete :return: bool (True if deleted) ''' sites = Sites() sites_assigned = [] is_assigned = False for site in site_obj = Site( site_app = Application( if site_app.is_assigned( site=site_obj ): is_assigned = True sites_assigned.append( if is_assigned: raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Delete {0}({1}) aborted, deassign from site/s({2}) first".format(self.__class__.__name__,, ', '.join(sites_assigned))) XMLClient().request('DELETE', self.url['self']) self.modified = False return True
[docs] def is_assigned(self, site): '''Check if application is assigned to a site :return: bool (True if is assigned) ''' is_assigned = False if type(site) != Site: raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Can't check if {0}({1}) is assigned to a site because site is not a Site object".format(self.__class__.__name__, try: url = site.url['self'] + self.url['self'] request = XMLClient().request('GET', url) self._set_xml(request.response) is_assigned = True except appngizer.errors.HttpElementNotFound: pass except: raise log.debug("{0}({1}) assigned on site {2} is {3}".format(self.__class__.__name__,,, is_assigned)) return is_assigned
[docs] def assign(self, site): '''Assign application to a site :return: bool (True if assigned) ''' if type(site) != Site: raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Can't assign {0}({1}) to site because site is not a Site object".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.load_if_needed() log.debug('Assign {}({}) to site {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, url = site.url['self'] + self.url['self'] request = XMLClient().request('POST', url, self.get_xml_str()) self.modified = False return True
[docs] def deassign(self, site): '''Deassign application from a site :return: bool (True if deassigned) ''' if type(site) != Site: raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Can't deassign {0}({1}) from a site because site is not a Site object".format(self.__class__.__name__, log.debug('Deassign {0}({1}) to site {2}'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, url = site.url['self'] + self.url['self'] request = XMLClient().request('DELETE', url, self.get_xml_str()) self.modified = False return True
[docs] def deassign_from_all(self): '''Deassign application from all sites :return: bool (True if deassigned) ''' sites = Sites() sites.load() for site in site_obj = Site(site.get('name')) site_obj._set_xml(site) site_app = Application(, parents=[site_obj]) if site_app.is_assigned(site_obj): site_app.deassign(site_obj) return True
[docs]class Package(Element): ''' Class to manage a package ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['displayName'] = '' FIELDS['version'] = '' FIELDS['timestamp'] = '' FIELDS['installed'] = False FIELDS['type'] = 'APPLICATION' ATTRIBUTES = {'name': ''} TYPE = 'Package' TYPE_C = 'Packages' def __init__(self, name=None, parents=[]): '''Initialising of package object :param str name: Name of entity :param list parents: List of :class:`Element` objects which are parents of the current entity ''' = name self.parents = parents self.xml = self._get_xml_template() self.loaded = False self.modified = False
[docs] def exist(self, **xdict): '''Check if a package exist :param str xdict['version']: Filter for a specific version :param str xdict['timestamp']: Filter for a specific timestamp :return: bool (True if exist) ''' filter = {} if 'version' in xdict: filter['version'] = xdict['version'] if 'timestamp' in xdict: filter['timestamp'] = xdict['timestamp'] find_pkg = Packages(parents=self.parents).find(, filter=filter) if hasattr(find_pkg, 'package'): package_exist = True else: package_exist = False return package_exist
[docs] def is_installed(self, **xdict): '''Check if a package is already installed :param str xdict['type']: Type of package (APPLICATION|TEMPLATE) :return: bool (True if installed) ''' is_installed = False type = xdict.get('type', False) if type and type == 'TEMPLATE': find_pkgs = Packages(parents=self.parents).find(,filter={ 'installed': 'true' }) if not hasattr(find_pkgs, 'package'): raise appngizer.errors.ElementNotFound('Package {} is not available with {}'.format(, filter)) else: is_installed = True else: if Application( is_installed = True return is_installed
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of an installed package is needed :param str xdict['version']: Update to a specific version :param str xdict['timestamp']: Update to a specific timestamp :param bool xdict['allow_snapshot']: Allow snapshot packages if no specific version is given :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' is_update_needed = False filter = {} if 'version' in xdict: filter['version'] = xdict['version'] if 'timestamp' in xdict: filter['timestamp'] = xdict['timestamp'] allow_snapshot = xdict.get('allow_snapshot', False) find_pkg = None find_pkgs = Packages(parents=self.parents).find(, filter=filter) if not hasattr(find_pkgs, 'package'): raise appngizer.errors.ElementNotFound('Package {} is not available with {}'.format(, filter)) if not allow_snapshot: for pkg in find_pkgs.package: if '-SNAPSHOT' not in pkg.version.text: find_pkg = pkg break else: find_pkg = find_pkgs.package[0] if find_pkg is None: raise appngizer.errors.ElementNotFound('Package {} is not available with {}'.format(, filter)) if self.xml.version != find_pkg.version: if LooseVersion(self.xml.version.text) < LooseVersion(find_pkg.version.text): is_update_needed = True elif self.xml.timestamp != find_pkg.timestamp: is_update_needed = True delattr(find_pkg, 'repository') return is_update_needed, self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element(self.xml), self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element(find_pkg)
[docs] def load(self): '''Load package data from Packages object :return: None ''' log.debug("Load {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, filter = { 'installed':'true' } find_pkg = Packages(parents=self.parents).find(, filter=filter) if hasattr(find_pkg, 'package'): self._set_xml(find_pkg.package) else: # Quick hack to load pkg data from any repository # if currently installed does not comes from parent repository find_pkg = Packages(parents=[]).find(, filter=filter) if hasattr(find_pkg, 'package'): self._set_xml(find_pkg.package[0]) else: raise appngizer.errors.ElementNotFound('Package {} is not installed'.format( self.loaded = True
[docs] def install(self, **xdict): '''Install a package :param str xdict['version']: Install a specific version :param str xdict['timestamp']: Install a specific timestamp :param bool xdict['allow_snapshot']: Allow snapshot packages if no specific version is given :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' filter = {} if 'version' in xdict: filter['version'] = xdict['version'] if 'timestamp' in xdict: filter['timestamp'] = xdict['timestamp'] allow_snapshot = xdict.get('allow_snapshot', False) find_pkg = None self._set_xml(xdict) find_pkgs = Packages(parents=self.parents).find(, filter={}) if not hasattr(find_pkgs, 'package'): raise appngizer.errors.ElementNotFound('Package {} is not available with {}'.format(, filter)) if not allow_snapshot: for pkg in find_pkgs.package: if '-SNAPSHOT' not in pkg.version.text: find_pkg = pkg break else: find_pkg = find_pkgs.package[0] if find_pkg is None: raise appngizer.errors.ElementNotFound('Package {} is not available with {}'.format(, filter)) find_pkg_repo = find_pkg.repository self._set_xml(find_pkg) log.debug('Install {}({}) in version ({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.xml.version)) return self._install(find_pkg_repo)
def _install(self, repository): self.xml.installed = True if self.is_valide_xml(): install_url = '/'.join([ '/repository',repository.get('name'),'install' ]) request = XMLClient().request('PUT', install_url, self.get_xml_str()) self._set_xml(request.response) self.modified = True return self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element() else: raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Current XML for {0}({1}) does not validate: {2}".format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.dump()))
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''update() is an alias for install() ''' return self.install(**xdict)
[docs] def delete(self): ''' :raises appngizer.errors.ElementError: Method is not avaible for entity ''' raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Method not available for {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]class Subject(Element): ''' Class to manage a subject ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['realName'] = '' FIELDS['email'] = '' FIELDS['description'] = '' FIELDS['digest'] = '' FIELDS['timeZone'] = 'Europe/Berlin' FIELDS['language'] = 'en' FIELDS['type'] = 'LOCAL_USER' CHILDS = OrderedDict() CHILDS['groups'] = None ATTRIBUTES = {'name': ''} PRESERVED_FIELDS = ['description','email','timeZone','language','type'] TYPE = 'Subject' TYPE_C = 'Subjects'
[docs] def digest_match_hash(self, digest, hashed): '''Check if digest match hash If digest does not start with '$2a$' it will handled as plaintext otherwise digest is directly matched against hashed :param str digest: digest of subject :param str hashed: bcrypt hash of digest to match :return: bool (True if match) ''' if str(digest).startswith('$2a$'): if str(digest) == str(hashed): return True else: return False else: if bcrypt.hashpw(str(digest), str(hashed)) == str(hashed): return True else: return False
[docs] def create(self, **xdict): '''Create subject :param str xdict['realName']*: Real name of subject :param str xdict['email']*: E-Mail address of subject :param str xdict['description']: Short description of subject :param str xdict['digest']*: Password as plaintext or bcrypt hash :param str xdict['timeZone']: Timezone for subject :param str xdict['language']: Language for subject :param str xdict['type']: Type of subject (LOCAL_USER|GLOBAL_USER|GLOBAL_GROUP) :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._create(xdict)
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update subject :param str xdict['realName']: Real name of subject :param str xdict['email']: E-Mail address of subject :param str xdict['description']: Short description of subject :param str xdict['digest']: Password as plaintext or bcrypt hash :param str xdict['timeZone']: Timezone for subject :param str xdict['language']: Language for subject :param str xdict['type']: Type of subject (LOCAL_USER|GLOBAL_USER|GLOBAL_GROUP) :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' if 'digest' in xdict: old_digest = self.xml.digest new_digest = xdict['digest'] if self.digest_match_hash(new_digest, old_digest): xdict['digest'] = old_digest return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of subject is needed :param str xdict['realName']: Real name of subject :param str xdict['email']: E-Mail address of subject :param str xdict['description']: Short description of subject :param str xdict['digest']: Password as plaintext or bcrypt hash :param str xdict['timeZone']: Timezone for subject :param str xdict['language']: Language for subject :param str xdict['type']: Type of subject (LOCAL_USER|GLOBAL_USER|GLOBAL_GROUP) :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' if 'digest' in xdict: old_digest = self.xml.digest new_digest = xdict['digest'] if self.digest_match_hash(new_digest, old_digest): xdict['digest'] = old_digest return self._is_update_needed(xdict)
[docs]class Group(Element): ''' Class to manage a group ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['description'] = '' CHILDS = OrderedDict() CHILDS['roles'] = None ATTRIBUTES = {'name': ''} PRESERVED_FIELDS = ['description'] TYPE = 'Group' TYPE_C = 'Groups'
[docs] def create(self, **xdict): '''Create group :param str xdict['description']: Short description of group :param list xdict['roles']: List of role :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`s :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._create(xdict)
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update group :param str xdict['description']: Short description of group :param list xdict['roles']: List of role :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`s :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of group is needed :param str xdict['description']: Short description of group :param list xdict['roles']: List of role :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`s :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' return self._is_update_needed(xdict)
[docs]class Role(Element): ''' Class to manage a role ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['application'] = '' FIELDS['description'] = '' CHILDS = OrderedDict() CHILDS['permissions'] = None ATTRIBUTES = {'name': ''} PRESERVED_FIELDS = ['description'] TYPE = 'Role' TYPE_C = 'Roles' def __init__(self, name=None, parents=[]): ''' :param str name: Name of entity :param list parents: List of :class:`Element` objects which are parents of the current entity ''' = name self.parents = parents self.url = self.get_url_dict() self.xml = self._get_xml_template_role() self.loaded = False self.modified = False def _get_xml_template_role(self): xml_template = self._get_xml_template() xml_template.application = self.parents[0].name return xml_template
[docs] def create(self, **xdict): '''Create role :param str xdict['description']: Short description of role :param list xdict['permissions']: List of permission :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`s :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._create(xdict)
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update role :param str xdict['description']: Short description of role :param list xdict['permissions']: List of permission :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`s :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of role is needed :param str xdict['description']: Short description of role :param list xdict['permissions']: List of permission :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`s :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' return self._is_update_needed(xdict)
[docs]class Permission(Element): ''' Class to manage a permission ''' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['application'] = '' FIELDS['description'] = '' ATTRIBUTES = {'name': ''} PRESERVED_FIELDS = ['description'] TYPE = 'Permission' TYPE_C = 'Permissions' def __init__(self, name=None, parents=[]): ''' :param str name: Name of entity :param list parents: List of :class:`Element` objects which are parents of the current entity ''' = name self.parents = parents self.url = self._get_url_dict() self.xml = self._get_xml_template_permission() self.loaded = False self.modified = False def _get_xml_template_permission(self): xml_template = self._get_xml_template() xml_template.application = self.parents[0].name return xml_template
[docs] def create(self, **xdict): '''Create permission :param str xdict['description']: Short description of permission :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._create(xdict)
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update permission :param str xdict['description']: Short description of permission :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of permission is needed :param str xdict['description']: Short description of permission :return: (bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated)) ''' return self._is_update_needed(xdict)
[docs]class Platform(Element): ''' Class to manage the platform ''' TYPE = 'Platform' TYPE_C = 'Platform'
[docs] def reload(self): '''Reload Platform :return: bool (True if reloaded) ''' if XMLClient().request('POST', self.url['self'] + '/reload'): return True else: return False
[docs] def delete(self): ''' :raises appngizer.errors.ElementError: Method is not avaible for entity ''' raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Method not available for {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]class Grant(Element): ''' Class to manage a site application grant ''' TYPE = 'Grant' TYPE_C = 'Grant' def _get_xml_template(self): Element = objectify.ElementMaker(annotate=False, namespace=self.XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE['a']) xml_template = Element.grant( ) return xml_template
[docs] def load(self): '''Load grant data from Grants object :return: None ''' log.debug("Load installed {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, grant = Grants(parents=self.parents).get_grant( if grant is not None: self._set_xml(grant) self.loaded = True else: raise appngizer.errors.ElementNotFound('Grant {} is not available'.format(
[docs] def delete(self): ''' :raises appngizer.errors.ElementError: Method is not avaible for entity ''' raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Method not available for {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]class Database(Element): ''' Class to manage site application databases of an appNG instance ''' TYPE = 'Database' TYPE_C = 'Databases' FIELDS = OrderedDict() FIELDS['type'] = '' FIELDS['user'] = '' FIELDS['password'] = '' FIELDS['dbVersion'] = '' FIELDS['driver'] = '' FIELDS['url'] = '' FIELDS['ok'] = '' CHILDS = OrderedDict() ATTRIBUTES = {'id': ''} def _get_sharedsecret(self,xdict): '''Get the sharedsecret from platform properties :return: string ''' if 'salt' in xdict: sharedseceret = xdict['salt'] else: p_sharedsecret = Property('sharedSecret', parents=[ Platform() ]) p_sharedsecret.load() sharedseceret = p_sharedsecret.xml.value.text return sharedseceret
[docs] def update(self, **xdict): '''Update database :param str xdict['user']: DB user :param str xdict['password']: DB password :param str xdict['driver']: DB driver to use :param bool xdict['type']: DB type to use :param bool xdict['url']: DB URI :return: lxml.etree.Element ''' return self._update(xdict)
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of database is needed :param str xdict['user']: DB user :param str xdict['password']: DB password :param str xdict['driver']: DB driver to use :param bool xdict['type']: DB type to use :param bool xdict['url']: DB URI :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element of (updated) ''' if 'password' in xdict: xdict_copy = deepcopy(xdict) xdict_copy['password'] = self.gen_password_hash(xdict['password'], self._get_sharedsecret(xdict)) return self._is_update_needed(xdict_copy)
[docs] def gen_password_hash(self, password, salt): '''Generate bcrypt hash from plaintext password and salt :param str password: Plaintext password :param str salt: Plaintext salt :return: str ''' salt_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(salt.encode()) return bcrypt.hashpw(password, '$2a$13$' + salt_sha256.hexdigest())
[docs] def delete(self): ''' :raises appngizer.errors.ElementError: Method is not avaible for entity ''' raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Method not available for {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]class Elements(Element): ''' Abstract class of an appNGizer container element ''' def _get_xml_template(self): '''Returns lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement template of entity: :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' Element = objectify.ElementMaker(annotate=False, namespace=self.XPATH_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE['a']) xml_template = Element(self.TYPE_C.lower()) return xml_template
[docs] def delete(self): ''' :raises appngizer.errors.ElementError: Method is not avaible for entity ''' raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Method not available for {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs] def exist(self): ''' :raises appngizer.errors.ElementError: Method is not avaible for entity ''' raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Method not available for {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): ''' :raises appngizer.errors.ElementError: Method is not avaible for entity ''' raise appngizer.errors.ElementError("Method not available for {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]class Sites(Elements): ''' Class to manage sites ''' TYPE = 'Site' TYPE_C = 'Sites' SUBELEMENTS = { 'site': [] }
[docs]class Repositories(Elements): ''' Class to manage repositories ''' TYPE = 'Repository' TYPE_C = 'Repositories' SUBELEMENTS = { 'repository': [] }
[docs]class Properties(Elements): ''' Class to manage properties ''' TYPE = 'Property' TYPE_C = 'Properties' SUBELEMENTS = { 'property': [] }
[docs]class Applications(Elements): ''' Class to manage applications ''' TYPE = 'Application' TYPE_C = 'Applications' SUBELEMENTS = { 'application': [] }
[docs]class Packages(Elements): ''' Class to manage packages ''' TYPE = 'Package' TYPE_C = 'Packages' SUBELEMENTS = { 'package': [] } def __init__(self, name=None, parents=[]): ''' :param str name: Name of entity :param list parents: List of :class:`Element` objects which are parents of the current entity ''' = name self.parents = parents self.xml = self._get_xml_template() self.loaded = False self.modified = False
[docs] def load(self): '''Load entity via GET and set self.xml from requests.Response.content :return: None ''' log.debug("Load {0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, packages = [] repositories = [] if len(self.parents) > 0 and type(self.parents[0]) == Repository: repo_obj = self.parents[0] repositories.append(repo_obj) else: repos_obj = Repositories() repos_obj.load() for repo in repos_obj.xml.repository: repo_obj = Repository(repo.get('name')) repositories.append(repo_obj) for repo in repositories: for list_pkg in repo.list_pkgs(): if hasattr(list_pkg, 'package'): for pkg in list_pkg.package: packages.append(pkg) self.xml.package = packages self.sort_packages_by_version(self.xml) self.loaded = True
[docs] def find(self, **xdict): '''Find all available packages of a package :param str xdict['name']*: Name of package :param dict xdict['filter']: Dictionary of field:value items to filter packages :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' packages = [] repositories = [] if len(self.parents) > 0 and type(self.parents[0]) == Repository: repo_obj = self.parents[0] repositories.append(repo_obj) else: repos_obj = Repositories() repos_obj.load() for repo in repos_obj.xml.repository: repo_obj = Repository(repo.get('name')) repositories.append(repo_obj) for repo in repositories: if repo.has_pkg(name=xdict['name']): for list_pkg in repo.list_pkg(name=xdict['name']): for pkg in list_pkg.package: if 'filter' in xdict: filter_ok = True for key,value in xdict['filter'].iteritems(): if pkg.findtext(self.NS_PREFIX+key) != value: filter_ok = False break if filter_ok: pkg.repository = repo.xml packages.append(pkg) else: pkg.repository = repo.xml packages.append(pkg) packages_xml = self._get_xml_template() packages_xml.package = packages return self.sort_packages_by_version(packages_xml)
[docs] def sort_packages_by_version(self, xml_obj): '''Sort packages by version :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement xml_obj: Packages ObjectifiedElement to sort :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' packages = xml_obj.find(self.NS_PREFIX+'package') data = [] if packages is not None and len(packages) > 0: for package in packages: version = package.findtext(self.NS_PREFIX+'version') timestamp = package.findtext(self.NS_PREFIX+'timestamp') if version is not None: lversion = LooseVersion(version) else: lversion = version data.append(( lversion, timestamp, package )) data.sort(reverse=True) packages[:] = [item[-1] for item in data] return xml_obj
[docs]class Subjects(Elements): ''' Class to manage subjects ''' TYPE = 'Subject' TYPE_C = 'Subjects' SUBELEMENTS = { 'subject': [] }
[docs]class Groups(Elements): ''' Class to manage groups ''' TYPE = 'Group' TYPE_C = 'Groups' SUBELEMENTS = { 'group': [] }
[docs]class Roles(Elements): ''' Class to manage roles ''' TYPE = 'Role' TYPE_C = 'Roles' SUBELEMENTS = { 'role': [] }
[docs]class Permissions(Elements): ''' Class to manage permissions ''' TYPE = 'Permission' TYPE_C = 'Permissions' SUBELEMENTS = { 'permission': [] }
[docs]class Grants(Elements): ''' Class to manage site application grants ''' SUBELEMENTS = { 'grant': [] } TYPE = 'Grant' TYPE_C = 'Grants'
[docs] def get_url_dict(self): '''Return dictionary with url path components of the entity url['self'] url path to entity url['ancestor'] url path to entity type url['parents'] url path of parent entities :return: dict ''' url = {'self': '', 'ancestor': '', 'parents': '', 'type': self.TYPE_C.lower()} # Determine parents URL path if hasattr(self, 'parents'): for parent in self.parents: url['parents'] = ''.join([ url['parents'], parent.url['self'] ]) # Determine ancestor URL path url['ancestor'] = '/'.join([url['parents'], url['type']]) # Determine self URL path if == None: url['self'] = url['ancestor'] else: url['self'] = '/'.join([url['ancestor'],]) return url
[docs] def get_grant(self, name): '''Get grant ObjectifiedElement of a site :param str name: Name of site :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' self.load_if_needed() grant = None if hasattr(self.xml, 'grant') and len(self.xml.grant) > 0: for g in self.xml.grant: if g.get('site') == name: grant = g break return grant
[docs] def update_grant(self, name, is_granted): '''Update grant for a site :param str name: Name of site :param bool is_granted: Site is granted to access application :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' self.load_if_needed() for g in self.xml.grant: if g.get('site') == name: # Do we really know what we are doing? g._setText(str(is_granted).lower()) break request = XMLClient().request('PUT', self.url['self'], self.get_xml_str()) self._set_xml(request.response) self.modified = True return self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element()
[docs] def update_grants(self, grants=[]): '''Update all grants of a site application :param list grants: List of grant lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElements :return: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ''' self.load_if_needed() for arg_g in grants: arg_g_site, arg_g_is_granted = arg_g for g in self.xml.grant: if g.get('site') == arg_g_site: # Do we really know what we are doing? g._setText(str(arg_g_is_granted).lower()) break request = XMLClient().request('PUT', self.url['self'], self.get_xml_str()) self._set_xml(request.response) self.modified = True return self.convert_xml_obj_to_xml_element()
[docs] def is_update_needed(self, **xdict): '''Check if update of Grants is needed :param str xdict['grant']: List of grant lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElements :return: bool (True if needed), lxml.etree.Element (current), lxml.etree.Element (updated) ''' rc,o,n = self._is_update_needed(xdict) return rc,o,n
def _is_update_needed(self, xdict): self.load_if_needed() result = False new_obj = deepcopy(self) new_obj._set_xml(xdict) for ogrant in self.xml.grant: site = ogrant.get('site') for ngrant in new_obj.xml.grant: if ngrant.get('site') == site: if ogrant.text != ngrant.text: result = True break if len(self.parents) > 0: parent_types = ' '.join( [p.TYPE for p in self.parents] ) log.debug("Update needed for {} {}({}) is {}".format(parent_types, self.__class__.__name__,, str(result))) else: log.debug("Update needed for {}({}) is {}".format(self.__class__.__name__,, str(result))) return result, self.xml, new_obj.xml
[docs]class Databases(Elements): ''' Class to manage databases ''' TYPE = 'Database' TYPE_C = 'Databases' SUBELEMENTS = { 'database': [] }