Package org.appng.api

Interface FormProcessProvider

  • public interface FormProcessProvider
    When using the appNG-Taglibrary to define a HTLM-form inside a JSP, a FormProcessProvider is used to handle the submitted data. It can write to a database, send an email or whatever else you want to do with the form data.
    Consider using a FormDataBinder for binding Form parameters to a target object.
    Matthias Müller
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • onFormSuccess

        void onFormSuccess​(Environment environment,
                           Site site,
                           Application application,
                           Writer writer,
                           Form form,
                           Map<String,​Object> properties)
        This method is being called after a Form has been successfully submitted.
        environment - the current Environment
        site - the current Site
        application - the current Application
        writer - the Writer of the calling JSP-page to write the response to
        form - the Form that was submitted
        properties - the properties which where used to configure the form