Start of Pipeline - (7 min 41 sec in block) | | | |
node - (7 min 41 sec in block) | master | | |
node block - (7 min 40 sec in block) | | | |
tool - (0.11 sec in self) | Maven 3.6.3 | | |
tool - (0.22 sec in self) | OpenJDK8 | | |
stage - (0.36 sec in block) | Info | | |
stage block (Info) - (0.18 sec in block) | | | |
echo - (30 ms in self) | ############################################## | | |
echo - (26 ms in self) | Preparing release 1.26.3 from branch appng-1.26.x, current snapshot is 1.26.3-SNAPSHOT, next version will be 1.26.4-SNAPSHOT | | |
echo - (15 ms in self) | ############################################## | | |
stage - (9.3 sec in block) | Prepare Release Branch | | |
stage block (Prepare Release Branch) - (8.8 sec in block) | | | |
sh - (0.32 sec in self) | rm -rf appng | | |
sh - (4.8 sec in self) | git clone | | |
dir - (3.5 sec in block) | appng | | |
dir block - (3.4 sec in block) | | | |
sh - (0.75 sec in self) | git checkout appng-1.26.x | | |
sh - (0.39 sec in self) | sed -i 's/1\.26\.3-SNAPSHOT/1\.26\.4-SNAPSHOT/g' README.adoc **/README.adoc | | |
sh - (0.36 sec in self) | sed -i 's/1\.26\.2/1\.26\.3/g' README.adoc **/README.adoc | | |
sh - (0.45 sec in self) | sed -i 's/1\.26\.3-SNAPSHOT/1\.26\.3/g' pom.xml **/pom.xml appng-archetype-application/src/main/resources/archetype-resources/pom.xml appng-archetype-application/readme.txt appng-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/listing/dependencies.txt | | |
sh - (0.36 sec in self) | sed -i 's/:current: {snapshot}/:current: {stable}/g' README.adoc **/README.adoc | | |
sh - (0.56 sec in self) | git status | | |
sh - (0.47 sec in self) | git commit -a -m 'preparing release 1.26.3' | | |
stage - (7 min 4 sec in block) | Build Release Branch | | |
stage block (Build Release Branch) - (7 min 4 sec in block) | | | |
dir - (7 min 4 sec in block) | appng | | |
dir block - (7 min 4 sec in block) | | | |
sh - (0.71 sec in self) | '/var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.6.3/bin/mvn' -version | | |
sh - (6 min 31 sec in self) | '/var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.6.3/bin/mvn' clean install -Djavax.xml.accessExternalSchema=all -DoutFolder='/srv/www/' -Pmaven-central -Pdefault | | |
sh - (31 sec in self) | '/var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.6.3/bin/mvn' javadoc:aggregate | | |
sh - (0.29 sec in self) | cp appng-application/target/appng-application-1.26.3.war /srv/www/ | | |
stage - (5.2 sec in block) | Results | | |
stage block (Results) - (5.1 sec in block) | | | |
junit - (4.9 sec in self) | **/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml | | |
stage - (7.9 sec in block) | Docs | | |
stage block (Docs) - (7.8 sec in block) | | | |
dir - (7.5 sec in block) | appng | | |
dir block - (7.4 sec in block) | | | |
sh - (0.51 sec in self) | rm -rf /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.3 sec in self) | mkdir --parents /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.36 sec in self) | mkdir --parents /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.3 sec in self) | mkdir --parents /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.45 sec in self) | mkdir --parents /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.39 sec in self) | mv -f target/site/apidocs/* /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.38 sec in self) | mv -f appng-documentation/target/generated-docs/html /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.37 sec in self) | mv -f appng-documentation/target/generated-docs/pdf /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.4 sec in self) | mv -f appng-appngizer/target/generated-docs/pdf/*.pdf /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.29 sec in self) | mv -f appng-appngizer/target/generated-docs/html/* /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.43 sec in self) | ln -sfn /srv/www/ /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.4 sec in self) | rm -rf /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.3 sec in self) | rm -rf /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.68 sec in self) | cp appng-xmlapi/target/classes/appng-application.xsd /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.31 sec in self) | cp appng-xmlapi/target/classes/appng-platform.xsd /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.3 sec in self) | cp appng-appngizer-jaxb/target/classes/appngizer.xsd /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.37 sec in self) | cp appng-xmlapi/target/classes/appng-application.xsd /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.46 sec in self) | cp appng-xmlapi/target/classes/appng-platform.xsd /srv/www/ | | |
sh - (0.32 sec in self) | cp appng-appngizer-jaxb/target/classes/appngizer.xsd /srv/www/ | | |
stage - (7.6 sec in block) | merge to master and tag | | |
stage block (merge to master and tag) - (7.3 sec in block) | | | |
dir - (7 sec in block) | appng | | |
dir block - (6.9 sec in block) | | | |
sh - (0.96 sec in self) | git checkout master | | |
sh - (0.97 sec in self) | git merge --ff appng-1.26.x --strategy-option theirs | | |
sh - (2.3 sec in self) | git push | | |
sh - (0.34 sec in self) | git checkout appng-1.26.x | | |
sh - (0.5 sec in self) | git tag appng-${release_version} | | |
sh - (1.6 sec in self) | git push origin appng-${release_version} | | |
stage - (5 sec in block) | prepare next version | | |
stage block (prepare next version) - (5 sec in block) | | | |
dir - (4.7 sec in block) | appng | | |
dir block - (4.6 sec in block) | | | |
sh - (0.49 sec in self) | git checkout $(git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/appng-1.26.x || echo '-b') appng-1.26.x | | |
sh - (0.43 sec in self) | sed -i 's/1\.26\.3/1\.26\.4-SNAPSHOT/g' pom.xml **/pom.xml appng-archetype-application/src/main/resources/archetype-resources/pom.xml appng-archetype-application/readme.txt appng-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/listing/dependencies.txt | | |
sh - (0.38 sec in self) | sed -i 's/:current: {stable}/:current: {snapshot}/g' README.adoc **/README.adoc | | |
sh - (0.33 sec in self) | git status | | |
sh - (0.42 sec in self) | git commit -a -m 'preparing next version 1.26.4-SNAPSHOT' | | |
sh - (2.5 sec in self) | git push origin appng-1.26.x | | |